posted with permission from Mid Canterbury CAB
Learn to use Tech in Mid Canterbury!
Address: Community House (44 Cass St, Ashburton)
Email: Info.midcanterbury@cab.org.nz
Phone Number: 03) 928 8761
Website: https://www.cab.org.nz/location/cab-mid-canterbury
Facebook: CABMidCanterbury
The Mid Canterbury Citizen’s Advice Bureau is open 10am-1pm weekdays for any queries you may have.
Ashburton Public Library (FREE)
Address: 180 Havelock St, Ashburton
Email: library@adc.govt.nz
Phone Number: 03 308 7192
Website: https://www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/community-facilities/library
Free WIFI & internet access.
Free beginner computer lessons
Digital drop in sessions - free help mastering your electronic devices on Wednesday between 2:00 and 4:00pm
CV Help - you can book a free session for 1 on 1 advice about your CV, cover letter or more Monday, Wednesday 9:00am and 10:00am or Thursday 3:30pm by phoning, other times by arrangement
Skinny Jump low-cost internet - Just take home a modem and plug it in. First 30GB free, then it costs $5 for 30GB with a max of 5 top ups per month. No Contracts. No Credit Checks.
Stepping UP is a range of free beginner computer and online courses
The Digital Steps Programme consists of one-off sessions including computer basics, smartphones & online banking. You can book as many classes as you like depending on your interests. Tuesdays from 1-3pm.
The Better Digital Futures Programme has 4 different pathways, with 4 sessions each, from introducing you to the online world and devices to being safe online. Participants can sign up to one or more pathways. Sessions every Thursday 10am till 12pm.
Bookings are essential. Call the library or go to the Stepping UP website (steppingup.nz) and clicking on Register for upcoming courses, filtering by location (Ashburton Library) and clicking register. Click here for upcoming Ashburton courses.
Ashburton Learning Centre (FREE)
Address: 71 Park Street, PO Box 268, Ashburton
Phone: 03 308 5322
Mobile: 027 226 9496
Email: adult.literacy@xtra.co.nz
Facebook: Ashburton-Learning-Centre
Website: ashburtonlearningcentre.co.nz
Group computing classes are held on:
Monday morning: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Wednesday morning: 9:00am - 11:00am
Wednesday evening: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mid Canterbury Timebank
Address: Community House Mid Canterbury, 44 Cass Street, Ashburton
Phone: 03 308 1237 ((Ext. 218))
Website: mctimebank.nz
Facebook: MidCanterburyTimeBank
Email: coordinator@mctimebank.nz
Supporting people to Connect, Contribute & Belong through exchanges & social events. A Timebank allows members to earn a time credit for every hour helping others. This time credit can then be used to get help. Call or visit the website to register as a member. $5 for unwaged, $10 for waged.
Worried about scams?
If you are worried about scams, the best place to get up-to-date, accurate information is on-line. Try searching for Netsafe, Consumer Protection’s Scamwatch or CERT.

image credit - Spark
Literacy Aotearoa (FREE)
Address: 180 Havelock St, Ashburton
Phone: 027 721 2002
Email: info.c9@literacy.org.nz
Website: literacy.org.nz
Facebook: LiteracyAotearoaAshburton
►Digital Literacy Course
You will learn:
to power on/off a smartphone or tablet
a range of basic functions
to view documents sent as attachments
to save and produce documents
to find, download and use a range of ‘Apps’, including your calculator
to access and use web based email services
to access and use social media
► Computer Literacy Course
You will learn:
a basic understanding of computers
to feel more confident using a computer
to set up your own email address
to use Microsoft Office products, including Word documents
to use the internet to find information effectively
Senior Net Ashburton
Address: (Room 4) Sinclair Centre, 74 Park Street, Ashburton
Phone: 03 308 6654 or 307-2753
Email: seniornet.ash@gmail.com
Website: seniornet.nz
Learn how to use your digital devices at your own pace in a friendly, relaxed environment. Meetings dates are as advertised in our newsletter - for a complimentary newsletter contact them. You can attend your first meeting at no cost.
►Sessions commence at 1.30pm at the Sinclair Centre and include:
Question & Answer with topics of interest for all members. Following is a cup of tea/coffee and a chat.
Regular help and problem-solving on any issue.
Assistance with problems, such as wanting to know how to achieve a task, solve problems, set-up apps.
Tuition is available on a wide variety of devices (including Apple and Android devices) - laptops, notebooks, tablets, smartphones. Plus, a wide range of subjects and topics – see next section.
►Workshops cover topics such as:
Getting to know your computer (basic knowledge).
Saving data - saving info to a computer, external hard drive, USB etc.
Emailing: - basic and advanced sessions.
Transferring photos to a computer from a phone or camera.
Digital photo editing.
Making CD's/DVD's from photos.
Making movies using photos.
Card Making (using Google, Microsoft Publisher or other apps).
Downloading music/movies.
Printing & Scanning.
Forums for common internet tasks: Internet Banking, Facebook, Google, YouTube, TradeMe, Skype/Zoom etc.
Word Processing (any app).
Spread sheeting (any app).
Annual Subscription (for 2021) is $20 per person, or $30 for a couple. There is a $2 fee for each meeting (first meeting you attend is free).
Keep Learning Mid Canterbury
Website: https://keeplearningmc.nz
Facebook: keeplearningmc
Email: kate@connectingmc.org
KLMC run around 40 Keep Learning events a year, with a large variety of topics. These events are open to the whole community and are usually run by volunteers with expertise and a willingness to share their passion, often free or with a small fee to cover expenses. KLMC also runs a website where not only do they list their own events, but anyone in Mid Canterbury can list their learning events.