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Learn to Use Tech in Mid Canterbury

Nov 30, 2021

4 min read




posted with permission from Mid Canterbury CAB

Learn to use Tech in Mid Canterbury!

Address: Community House (44 Cass St, Ashburton)


Phone Number: 03) 928 8761


Facebook: CABMidCanterbury

The Mid Canterbury Citizen’s Advice Bureau is open 10am-1pm weekdays for any queries you may have.

Ashburton Public Library (FREE)

Address: 180 Havelock St, Ashburton


Phone Number: 03 308 7192


  • Free WIFI & internet access.

  • Free beginner computer lessons

  • Digital drop in sessions - free help mastering your electronic devices on Wednesday between 2:00 and 4:00pm

  • CV Help - you can book a free session for 1 on 1 advice about your CV, cover letter or more Monday, Wednesday 9:00am and 10:00am or Thursday 3:30pm by phoning, other times by arrangement

  • Skinny Jump low-cost internet - Just take home a modem and plug it in. First 30GB free, then it costs $5 for 30GB with a max of 5 top ups per month. No Contracts. No Credit Checks.

Stepping UP is a range of free beginner computer and online courses

  • The Digital Steps Programme consists of one-off sessions including computer basics, smartphones & online banking. You can book as many classes as you like depending on your interests. Tuesdays from 1-3pm.

  • The Better Digital Futures Programme has 4 different pathways, with 4 sessions each, from introducing you to the online world and devices to being safe online. Participants can sign up to one or more pathways. Sessions every Thursday 10am till 12pm.

  • Bookings are essential. Call the library or go to the Stepping UP website ( and clicking on Register for upcoming courses, filtering by location (Ashburton Library) and clicking register. Click here for upcoming Ashburton courses.

Ashburton Learning Centre (FREE)

Address: 71 Park Street, PO Box 268, Ashburton

Phone: 03 308 5322

Mobile: 027 226 9496


Facebook: Ashburton-Learning-Centre


Group computing classes are held on:

  • Monday morning: 10:30am - 12:30pm

  • Wednesday morning: 9:00am - 11:00am

  • Wednesday evening: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Mid Canterbury Timebank

Address: Community House Mid Canterbury, 44 Cass Street, Ashburton

Phone: 03 308 1237 ((Ext. 218))


Facebook: MidCanterburyTimeBank


Supporting people to Connect, Contribute & Belong through exchanges & social events. A Timebank allows members to earn a time credit for every hour helping others. This time credit can then be used to get help. Call or visit the website to register as a member. $5 for unwaged, $10 for waged.

Worried about scams?

If you are worried about scams, the best place to get up-to-date, accurate information is on-line. Try searching for Netsafe, Consumer Protection’s Scamwatch or CERT.

image credit - Spark

Literacy Aotearoa (FREE)

Address: 180 Havelock St, Ashburton

Phone: 027 721 2002



Facebook: LiteracyAotearoaAshburton

Digital Literacy Course

You will learn:

  • to power on/off a smartphone or tablet

  • a range of basic functions

  • to view documents sent as attachments

  • to save and produce documents

  • to find, download and use a range of ‘Apps’, including your calculator

  • to access and use web based email services

  • to access and use social media

► Computer Literacy Course

You will learn:

  • a basic understanding of computers

  • to feel more confident using a computer

  • to set up your own email address

  • to use Microsoft Office products, including Word documents

  • to use the internet to find information effectively

Senior Net Ashburton

Address: (Room 4) Sinclair Centre, 74 Park Street, Ashburton

Phone: 03 308 6654 or 307-2753



Learn how to use your digital devices at your own pace in a friendly, relaxed environment. Meetings dates are as advertised in our newsletter - for a complimentary newsletter contact them. You can attend your first meeting at no cost.

►Sessions commence at 1.30pm at the Sinclair Centre and include:

  • Question & Answer with topics of interest for all members. Following is a cup of tea/coffee and a chat.

  • Regular help and problem-solving on any issue.

  • Assistance with problems, such as wanting to know how to achieve a task, solve problems, set-up apps.

  • Tuition is available on a wide variety of devices (including Apple and Android devices) - laptops, notebooks, tablets, smartphones. Plus, a wide range of subjects and topics – see next section.

►Workshops cover topics such as:

  • Getting to know your computer (basic knowledge).

  • Saving data - saving info to a computer, external hard drive, USB etc.

  • Emailing: - basic and advanced sessions.

  • Transferring photos to a computer from a phone or camera.

  • Digital photo editing.

  • Making CD's/DVD's from photos.

  • Making movies using photos.

  • Card Making (using Google, Microsoft Publisher or other apps).

  • Downloading music/movies.

  • Printing & Scanning.

  • Forums for common internet tasks: Internet Banking, Facebook, Google, YouTube, TradeMe, Skype/Zoom etc.

  • Word Processing (any app).

  • Spread sheeting (any app).

  • Annual Subscription (for 2021) is $20 per person, or $30 for a couple. There is a $2 fee for each meeting (first meeting you attend is free).

Keep Learning Mid Canterbury


Facebook: keeplearningmc


KLMC run around 40 Keep Learning events a year, with a large variety of topics. These events are open to the whole community and are usually run by volunteers with expertise and a willingness to share their passion, often free or with a small fee to cover expenses. KLMC also runs a website where not only do they list their own events, but anyone in Mid Canterbury can list their learning events.

Nov 30, 2021

4 min read





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